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cs [2023/09/19 21:06] demiurgecs [2023/09/22 17:47] (current) – [Computer Science] demiurge
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-====== Computer Science ======+====== Technology ======
-  * Computer Science Self Teaching Guide +===== Computer Literacy ===== 
-  * Artificial Intelligence + 
-  * HackingPrivacyand Security+  The Missing Semester of your CS Education [[https://missing.csail.mit.edu/|(MIT)]] [[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyzOVJj3bHQuloKGG59rS43e29ro7I57J|(YouTube) ]] 
 +  * Comptia A+ 
 +  * [[:loginataka|The Loginataka ]][Advanced] 
 +===== Computer Science ===== 
 +  * [[:cseducation|Computer Science Self Teaching Guide]] 
 +  * [[https://roadmap.sh/|Roadmap.sh]] 
 +===== Artificial Intelligence ===== 
 +  * Ethics 
 +  * Large Language Models 
 +===== Hacking ===== 
 +  * K&R C 
 +  * [[:loginataka|The Loginataka]] 
 +  * Hacker's Manifesto 
 +  * The Jargon File 
 +  * How To Become a Hacker - Eric S Raymond 
 +  * On Seeing and Unseeing: The Hacker Mindset - Gwern [[https://gwern.net/unseeing|(Gwern.net)]] 
 +  * Zen Buddhism 
 +  * [[:cybsecgeneral|/cyb/+/sec/ general]] 
 +==== Privacy and Security ==== 
 +  * Darkweb/Tor 
 +  * VPNs 
 +  * Cryptography 
 +  * Surveillance 
 +  * Counter Intelligence 
 +  * Rmusser cybersecuirty reference 
 +  * Information/Cyber-security Playlist 
 +==== Cultural ==== 
 +  * Freedom Downtime 
 +  * HOPE archives 
 +  * DEFCON 
 +  * Script Kiddy Groups 
 +  * APT 
 +  * Hacktivism 
 +  * [[:cyberpunk|Cyberpunk]] 
 +  * Hackers