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cultural [2023/09/20 21:30] demiurgecultural [2023/11/21 04:22] (current) – [Architecture & Design] demiurge
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 ====== Art and Culture ====== ====== Art and Culture ======
 +**NOTE:** [[:icebergmeme|Iceberg Charts]] are a great way to explore culture or an ontological overview of practically any topic
 ===== Visual Arts ===== ===== Visual Arts =====
 +  * How to Draw [[https://discover.hubpages.com/art/how-to-draw-learn|(HubPages)]]
 +  * [[https://www.wikiart.org/|Visual Art Encyclopedia ]]
 +  * [[https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/|The w/ic/i]]
 ===== Literature ===== ===== Literature =====
 +  * [[:literature|Literature]]
 +  * [[:literature_iceberg|Literature Accessibility Ice Berg]]
 ===== Music ===== ===== Music =====
-===== Film & Theater =====+  * [[https://www.musicgenretree.org/|https://www.musicgenretree.org/]] 
 +  * /mu/core 
 +  * Music Theory and Ear Training [[https://tonesavvy.com/|https://tonesavvy.com/]] 
 +  * [[:musical_keys|Musical Keys]] 
 +  * [[https://g-meh.com/|VST Plugins (G-meh)]] 
 ===== Architecture & Design ===== ===== Architecture & Design =====
 +  * [[:virgilabloh|Virgil]]
 +  * [[:ux_mindmap|UX Mind Map]]
 +  * [[https://archives.design/|https://archives.design/]] - Graphic Design book archive
 ===== Cinema & Media Arts ===== ===== Cinema & Media Arts =====
 +  * Top 100 Movies
 +  * Cyberpunk Media
 +  * [[:zizek|Zizek]]
 ===== Culture, Heritage, and Tradition ===== ===== Culture, Heritage, and Tradition =====
-===== Language ===== 
   * [[:netculture|Internet Culture]]   * [[:netculture|Internet Culture]]
   * [[:cyberpunk|Cyberpunk]]   * [[:cyberpunk|Cyberpunk]]
 +  * [[:theos|Religion & Spirituality]]
 +===== Language =====
 +  * Learning a language
 +  * Etymology
 +  * Lexicon