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cyberpunk [2023/09/25 20:31] demiurgecyberpunk [2023/09/25 20:33] (current) – [Cyberpunk: Evolution, Impact, and Legacy] demiurge
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 ===== Cyberpunk: Evolution, Impact, and Legacy ===== ===== Cyberpunk: Evolution, Impact, and Legacy =====
-Cyberpunk, emerging predominantly in the 1980s and 1990s, stands as a multifaceted genre spanning literature, films, music, and video games. It became a vessel for the exploration and critique of aesthetic, philosophical, technological, and socio-political conditions of its time, notably confronting the aesthetic and cultural dynamics of the corporate media prevalent in the 1990s.+Cyberpunk, emerging predominantly in the 1980s and 1990s, stands as a multifaceted genre spanning literature, films, music, and video games (See [[:cyberpunkmedia|Cyberpunk Media]]). It became a vessel for the exploration and critique of aesthetic, philosophical, technological, and socio-political conditions of its time, notably confronting the aesthetic and cultural dynamics of the corporate media prevalent in the 1990s. 
 ==== Origins and Aesthetic Contrasts ==== ==== Origins and Aesthetic Contrasts ====