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schumann_resonance [2023/09/20 04:52] demiurgeschumann_resonance [2024/07/19 17:38] (current) – [TL;DR] demiurge
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 ====== Schumann Resonance ====== ====== Schumann Resonance ======
 +===== TL;DR =====
 +The Schumann resonance is a set of electromagnetic frequencies that occur naturally in the Earth's atmosphere. Mystically, it is often perceived as the Earth's "heartbeat" or a reflection of the planet's consciousness. Here's a brief overview:
-[[https://twitter.com/schumannbot?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|Tweets by schumannbot]]+  * **Natural Rhythms:** The Schumann resonance is a manifestation of the natural rhythms of the Earth, much like brainwaves in humans. It is thought to connect all living beings to the planet's energetic pulse. 
 +  * **Human Connection:** Mystics believe that humans can tune into these frequencies for spiritual growth and healing. The resonance is said to influence human consciousness, emotions, and physical well-being, fostering a deeper connection with the Earth. 
 +  * **Harmonic Balance:** These frequencies are seen as a harmonic balance between the Earth and the ionosphere. Disruptions in the resonance might reflect global or cosmic shifts, potentially affecting human behavior and consciousness. 
 +  * **Spiritual Awakening:** Some spiritual traditions suggest that the increasing frequency of the Schumann resonance signals a shift in human consciousness, a move towards greater spiritual awareness and enlightenment. 
 +  * **Meditative States:** Practices like meditation, grounding, and mindfulness are believed to help individuals align with the Schumann resonance, promoting inner peace and a sense of unity with the Earth's energy.
-===== What Are The Schumann Resonances? =====+{{ :img_5756.jpg?800 |}} 
 +===== Introduction =====
-The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the +The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the Earth's electromagnetic cavity (The space between the Earth's surface and the Ionosphere).
-   Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and +
-        excited by lightning discharges in the Earth's electromagnetic cavity (The space between the Earth's surface and +
-        the Ionosphere).+
-        The resonant frequencies are between 3-60 Hz and have distinct peaks around the following extemely low +The resonant frequencies are between 3-60 Hz and have distinct peaks around the following extemely low frequencies;
-        frequencies;+
   * 7.83 Hz (fundamental)   * 7.83 Hz (fundamental)
Line 21: Line 24:
   * 33.8 Hz   * 33.8 Hz
-==== How Do Read The Graphs? ==== +<HTML><blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-dnt="true" data-theme="light"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I'm sooo lainpilled <a href="https://t.co/ErrNsO50q6">pic.twitter.com/ErrNsO50q6</a></p>— Schumann (NPC) (@schumannbot) <a href="https://twitter.com/schumannbot/status/1687185214689198081?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 3, 2023</a> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script></HTML> 
-[[{{img/shm_guide.png?nolink&}}|]] Click to view+
-**X-axis**  represents time, in hours, using Tomsk Summer Daylight Time (TLVA UTC+7)+[[https://twitter.com/schumannbot|Tweets by schumannbot]] 
-**Y-axis:**  represents the frequency between 0 and 40 Hz+==== How To Read the Graphs ==== 
-**Date:**  A series of three dates are displayed horizontally at the top of the chart in order from left to right.+  * **X-axis:** Represents time, in hours, using Tomsk Summer Daylight Time (TLVA UTC+7) 
 +  * **Y-axis:** Represents the frequency between 0 and 40 Hz 
 +  * **Date:** A series of three dates are displayed horizontally at the top of the chart in order from left to right. 
 +  * **Time:** For each day a 0-24 hour sequence is displayed horizontally at the bottom of the chart. The timezone is of the location of the monitoring station, Tomsk Summer Daylight Time (TLVA). 
 +  * **Color:** Indicates amplitude (strength/intensity), black and blue are the background colors and then the scale moves from green up through red to the highest amplitude represented in white. 
 +  * **World Clock Table:** 
-**Time:**  For each day a 0-24 hour sequence is displayed horizontally at the bottom of the chart. The timezone is of +==== Environmental Effects ====
-   the location of the monitoring station, Tomsk Summer Daylight Time (TLVA).+
-**Color:**  indicates amplitude (strength/intensity), black and blue are the background colors and then the scale moves from +{{:media:sr-diagram1.png}}
-   green up through red to the highest amplitude represented in white+
-      **[[https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/personal.html?cities=195,248,240,179,1440,1915|World Clock Table**]]**  \\  [[We reccommend Celestial Sage's video for an in-depth overview.|]] +The brain uses an ELF oscillating system, primarily making use of calcium-ions to control neurotransmittersExternal ELF signals induce altered neuron calcium ion effluxes in brain tissueAnimals and humans have evolved in an environment saturated by the SR signal for roughly 3 billion yearsStable synchronization of the brain by SR signals has led to thinkingemotionmemoryand intelligence. The brain has electromagnetic transmitters and receivers in the neurons.
-===== BECOME A SUPPORTER =====+
-**If you enjoy our work you can help keep our services and this website free by donating or purchasing our merch!**+[[https://your-link-to-brain-waves-info.com|Learn More About Brain Waves Here]]
-      **[[Gifts, Clothing, & Accessories**|]]** \\ +S/GMA (Solar/Geomagnetic Activity) has been shown to affect the SR signal amplitude (strength), and as we know the Schumann resonance cycle affects human beings.
-\\ +
- \\        {{https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif?nolink&1x1}} +
-==== History ====+
-===== How Does This Affect Me? =====+  * Correlations between sunspot number and GMA activity indices also coincide with certain health effects. 
 +  * X-ray and gamma radiation from solar winds have an impact on the SR signal strength and can alter the diurnal cycle. 
 +  * X-rays ionize the atoms it comes in contact with and enhances concentration of ions in the D-region of the ionosphere. D-region is the top of the ionosphere cavity in which the SR signal exists. 
 +  * Daily variation in the D-region produces the variation in the SR signal. Solar storms are also known to produce variations in the SR signal.
-==   Effects on Humans   ==+{{  :media:biomagenetic.jpg?400  |biomagenetic.jpg}}
-The Schumann Resonance signal provides a brain frequency range matching electromagnetic signal, providing the synchronization needed for intelligence+{{  :media:brainsurf.jpeg?400  |brainsurf.jpeg}}
-It's been shown that Schumann Resonance is an important aspect in the modulation of human health and assists the sun and maintaing the circadian ryhthm 
-The diurnal cycle of the SR signal alters serotinin/melatonin which in turn affects canncer cells, cardiovascular health, neurlogical processes, and reproductive systems +==== History ====
- +
-It is interesting to note the close match between Schumann Resonance frequencies and the electrical activity +
-   recorded by an electroencephalograph **(EEG)**  on the human brain. +
- +
-Frequency range of the brain coincides with the SR signal (0-45hz)+
-Human brain waves have the following frequencies:+The resonance was first predicted by physicist Winfried Otto Schumann in 1952, and it was later observed and measured in the subsequent years. Named in his honor, the Schumann resonance has since become a point of interest not only for scientists but also for enthusiasts across various disciplines.
-^State^Frequency range^State of mind| +Nikola Tesla is all deemed influential in the discovery of the Schumann Resonance frequencies
-|**Delta** |0.5Hz&#x2013;4Hz|Deep sleep| +
-|**Theta** |4Hz&#x2013;8Hz|Drowsiness (also first stage of sleep)| +
-|**Alpha** |8Hz&#x2013;14Hz|Relaxed but alert| +
-|**Beta** |14Hz&#x2013;30Hz|Highly alert and focused|+
-The brain uses an ELF oscillating system, primarily making use of calclium-ions to control neurotransmitters+==== Monitoring Stations ====
-External ELF signals induce altered neuron calcium ion effluxes in brain tissue.+  * Rhode Island 
 +  * Tomsk 
 +  * MIT (?) 
 +  * Italy
-Animals and humans have evoleved in an environment saturated by the SR signal for roughly 3 billion years.+==== Archive ==== 
 +An incomplete archive of Graphs is available on [[https://hermeticus.net|Hermeticus.net]]. There is also a Mega archive somewhere…
-Stable synchronization of the brain by SR signals has led to thinking, emotion, memory, and intelligence+  * **X search:** 
 +    * ''from:username since:yyyy-mm-dd until:yyyy-mm-dd'' 
 +    * ''from:schumannbot since:2019-04-01 until:2019-04-17''
-Brain has electromagnetic transmitters and receivers in the neurons.+==== Woo and Popular Culture ====
-[[https://www.healthline.com/health/gamma-brain-waves#brain-wave-balance|Learn More About Brain Waves Here]] +Over the years, the Schumann resonance has been the subject of numerous speculations, myths, and interpretations, especially within the realms of alternative medicine, metaphysical communities, and new age beliefs.
-==   Environmental Effects   == +
-[[{{img/sr-diagram1.png?nolink&}}|]]  \\   \\   \\   \\+
-S/GMA (Solar/Geomagnetic Activity) has been shown to affect the SR signal amplitude (strength), and as we know the schumann resonance cycle effects human beings.+  * **New Age Spirituality:**  Some proponents in the New Age community believe that the Schumann resonance is closely linked to human consciousness. They suggest that changes or disturbances in these frequencies can influence physical health, mental well-being, and spiritual growth. 
 +  * **Alternative Medicine:**  Some alternative health practitioners assert that devices or therapies that mimic or harmonize with the Schumann resonance can bring about healing or balance to the body. 
 +  * **Music and Art:**  The concept of the Earth having a "heartbeat" has inspired numerous artistsmusicians, and writers. 
 +  * **Film and Television:**  The Schumann resonance has occasionally been a plot element in science fiction and paranormal genres. Such as the iconic Anime [[:serialexperimentslain|Serial Experiments Lain]] 
 +A @Schumannbot inpspired trait "Schumann Shirt" (A t-shirt designed by @Egrevore for @schumannbot) can be found in the PixeladyMaker NFT project.
-Correlations between sunpspot number and GMA activitity indices also coincide with certain health effects.+{{  :media:alien_schumann_resonance.png?nolink&180x226  }}
-X-ray and gamma radiation rom solar winds have an impact on the SR signal strength and can alter the diurnal cycle. X-rays ionize the atoms it comes in contant with 
-   and enhances concentration of ions in the D-region of the ionosphere. Di-region is the top of the ionosphere cavity in which the SR signal exists. 
-Daily variation in the D-region produces the variation in the SR signal. Solar storms are also known to produce variations in the SR signal.+===== Controversy =====
-===== Archive  =====+==== Information Warfare and Alleged QAnon involvement ====
-An incomplete archive of Graphs is availabele on our site at the link below+@schumannbot is featured within this paper concerning foreign [[:cointel|Counter Intelligence]] campaings on Twitter mostly in relation to the [[:qanon|QAnon]] conspiracy.
-[[https://hermeticus.net/ELF/Archive/|Schumann Resonance Archive]] +  *
-<language->''from:username since:yyyy-mm-dd until:yyyy-mm-dd+
-from:schumannbot since:2019-04-01 until:2019-04-17 +[[https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwivgpzCzLyBAxXKGVkFHaLqCyIQFnoECBUQAQ&url=https://arxiv.org/pdf/2207.05118&usg=AOvVaw3WChbaQwcFwenGe5E6ZrfO&opi=89978449|QAnon Propaganda on Twitter as Information Warfare]]
-'' +
-===== Links & Resources:  ===== +==== Tomsk Hack ====
-.embed-container { +
-          position: relative; +
-          padding-bottom: 56.25%; +
-          height: 0; +
-          overflow: hidden; +
-          max-width: 100%; +
-        }+
-        .embed-container iframe, +The email radar@sosrff.tsu.ru was compromised for a period allegedly done by the @schumannbot team.
-        .embed-container object, +
-        .embed-container embed { +
-          position: absolute; +
-          top: 0; +
-          left: 0; +
-          width: 100%; +
-          height: 100%; +
-        }+
- \\  \\  \\  \\+{{:media:full_tomsk_hack.jpeg?200x356|full_tomsk_hack.jpeg}}{{:media:screenshot_2023-06-16_164510.png}}
- \\  \\  \\  \\ 
-==== Links====+===== Links & Resources =====
-  * [[https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/personal.html?cities=195,248,240,179,1440,1915|World Clock table]] +  * **Links:** 
-  * [[https://www.worldtimeserver.com/time-zones/novt/|Time Conversion]] +      * [[https://worldclocktable.com|World Clock table]] 
-  * [[http://www.magneticpulsers.com/frequency.html|Introduction to Frequency (The Key To Understanding +      * [[https://timeconversion.com|Time Conversion]] 
-   Earth Energy)]] +      * [[https://frequency-intro.com|Introduction to Frequency (The Key To Understanding Earth Energy)]] 
-  * [[https://www.reddit.com/r/schumannresonance/|r/SchumannResonance Reddit]]+      * [[https://reddit.com/r/SchumannResonance|r/SchumannResonance Reddit]]
-==== References:  ==== +  * **References:** 
-  * [[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0306987703000276|Human intelligence: The brain, an electromagnetic system synchronised by the Schumann Resonance signal]] +      * [[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0306987703000276|Human intelligence: The brain, an electromagnetic system synchronised by the Schumann Resonance signal]] 
-[[Back to top|]]  \\  Esoteric Technology+  [[:resource|Resources]] 
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