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schumann_resonance [2024/07/19 17:36] – old revision restored (2024/06/30 16:14) demiurgeschumann_resonance [2024/07/19 17:38] (current) – [TL;DR] demiurge
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   * **Spiritual Awakening:** Some spiritual traditions suggest that the increasing frequency of the Schumann resonance signals a shift in human consciousness, a move towards greater spiritual awareness and enlightenment.   * **Spiritual Awakening:** Some spiritual traditions suggest that the increasing frequency of the Schumann resonance signals a shift in human consciousness, a move towards greater spiritual awareness and enlightenment.
   * **Meditative States:** Practices like meditation, grounding, and mindfulness are believed to help individuals align with the Schumann resonance, promoting inner peace and a sense of unity with the Earth's energy.   * **Meditative States:** Practices like meditation, grounding, and mindfulness are believed to help individuals align with the Schumann resonance, promoting inner peace and a sense of unity with the Earth's energy.
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 ===== Introduction ===== ===== Introduction =====