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start [2023/09/19 20:51] demiurgestart [2024/07/19 17:36] (current) – [Directory] demiurge
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-===== Welcome =====+====== Directory ======
-====== Welcome ======+~~NOTOC~~ <HTML> <style> .level1 ul, .level2 ul { list-style-type: none;
-Digital grimoire and knowledgebase+<code> 
 +padding-left: 0;
-  * Initiation +</code> 
-  * Resources + 
-  * Computer Science +
-  * Economics/Finance + 
-  * The Matrix +.level1 li, .level2 li { 
-  * Obscure Topics + 
-  * Health +<code> 
-  * Arts Culture +position: relative; 
-  * Philosophy+padding-left: 25px; 
 +.level1 li::before, .level2 li::before { 
 +content: "✧"; 
 +position: absolute; 
 +left: 0; 
 +} </style> </HTML> 
 +===== Categories ===== 
 +  * [[:cultural|Arts & Culture]] 
 +  * [[:money|Economics/Finance]] 
 +  * [[:health|Health]] 
 +  * [[:history|History]] 
 +  * [[:getting_started|Initiation]] 
 +  * [[:fringe|Obscure Topics]] 
 +  * [[:philosophy|Philosophy]] 
 +  * [[:politics|Politics]] 
 +  * [[:psychology|Psychology]] 
 +  * [[:stem|STEM]] 
 +  * [[:theos|Spirituality Religion]] 
 +  * [[:symbols|Symbolism]] 
 +  * [[:cs|Technology]] 
 +===== Meta ===== 
 +  * [[https://discord.gg/8mY6qhrbfQ|Discord]] 
 +  * [[:library|Libraries]] 
 +  * [[:resource|Resources]] 
 +  * [[:about|About]]